Coronavirus Update 16.3.2020

Last week the Government raised the UK risk status to high and moved from the containment phase to delay.  The peak of the outbreak has been predicted to be next week.  At the moment we are still operating as normal, still have spare capacity, and are in as good a position as we can be.  Given the speed of change however we urge as many companies as possible to send their payroll information in now, so we can have a maximum number of payrolls completed by the end of this week.

Over the following two weeks we may be operating as usual.  We are anticipating the possibility of reduced hours however, hence trying to complete as much work prior to this period of high risk as possible.  The end of the tax year does add complexity, and we will let you know if this is going to be affected by the coronavirus outbreak at the end of March.

SSP is payable from day one where employees self-isolate because of Corvid-19 symptoms, and this is also going to be claimable from the Government.  There are no details yet, but we suggest everyone records the SSP taken as well as reporting to us, as there are no changes within payroll software or RTI submissions yet.

We will keep you updated as the position changes.


Furloughed Workers


Coronavirus March 2020